Mangalore : Pandeshwar police on May 24, Thursday evening arrested five social activists including Vidya Dinker, Convener of Citizens’ Forum for Development of Mangalore, for allegedly creating a chaos and for obstructing the Deputy Commissioner from doing his duties.
The arrest took place after some persons including Dinker had been to the DC office to discuss the issue of the dumping of mud on the Phalguni river banks for the SEZ corridor road project. It is reported that a heated argument had ensued when they were barred from meeting the DC forcing them to stop the DC’s car.
The four other persons arrested are Arun D’Souza, Godrey, Jacinta and Latha. They have been booked under non-bailable cases under sections 143 and 149 (member of an unlawful assembly), 147 ( rioting), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 341 (wrongful restraint), and 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty) of the Indian Penal Code.
Earlier in the day, residents of Atrebail and Melkoppala continued their protest against the failure of the MCC to clear all the mud dumped on the Phalguni river banks. Though several were arrested, later they were released on bail.