Bangalore : Chief Minister DV Sadananda Gowda had to face dissent from his own cabinet colleague on Thursday, when Excise Minster Renukacharya, visibly upset over the CM’s decision to order probe against him, said “ Sadananda Gowda may be the chief minister of the state, but Yeddyurappa is always my leader.”
Renukacharya further said there was nothing wrong in their demand to convene a BJP Legislative Party meeting and added the meting used to be convened at least once in three to four months during the chief ministership of Yeddyurappa.
He said the meet has not been held since ten months and reiterated the demand that convening of a CLP meeting was a must to give an opportunity to the MLAs to discuss their problems.
He said he was displeased with the CM’s decision to order for a probe against him based on a complaint by a JD(S) leader from Dakshina Kannada.