Mangalore: The Lokayukta police have arrested a Mangalore City Corporation Health Officer red-handed when accepting Rs. 2,500 as bribe on June 22, Friday.
The arrested is Bharath Kumar, who is employed as Health Officer at MCC.
The Lokayukta acted on a tip from the complaint given by Ashley Micheal from Balmatta. The complainant is running the Elysium Music School from past two years and in order to add the new license to the HR Consultancy approached MCC for the license.
But the Health Officer was asking the money to move the file from past two months. Later Ashley approached Lokayukta officer and as per their direction he applied the chemical coated currency notes to officer and later he was caught red handed.
The team comprised Jagamayyanawar, the superintendent of police at Karwar; Umesh Shet and Udaya Nayak, the inspector of the Lokayukta.