Mangalore: At the SC ST grievance redressal meeting held on Sunday, there was a request to the police department to patrol areas where Dalit Colonies are located, in order to instill confidence among the Dalits.
It was pointed out that the police who opted for such a measure in the past, are of late not patrolling such areas. It was also said regular visit to Dalit colonies would also put a check to rising case of atrocities on Dalits.
ASP Anucheth who presided over the meeting in the absence of SP Abhishek Goel assured to consider the demand.
Another complaint was that some upper caste people were trying to create rift among the Dalits. Reacting to this, the ASP requested the Dalits to settle such issues internally and added if at all there was any threat, then the department would look into it.
Yet another demand heard was to invite representatives from Ambedkar Development Corporation and Social Welfare Department to the meeting.