Puttur : Confusion prevailed at the Government Hospital at Puttur on January 29, Tuesday as no arrangement had been made for the over 300 Endosulfan affected people who had arrived there for medical examination as per the instructions of the District Health Department.
The authorities had neither made seating or food arrangement for the people from Nelyadi, Koila and Kadaba areas who had arrived If the taluk Health officer had arrived, the four specialists from Mangalore arrived quite late and they had to virtually struggle to examine the over 300 victims.
The problem arose when some of the victims also did not have their photographs. Finally, the Puttur Councilor and Taluk Working President of the Jaya Karnataka organization on coming to hear about the plight of the victims arrive at the hospital and offered fruits and water to the people who arrived from far off places.
Even the Puttur MLA Mallika Prasad who came to know of the chaos, arrived and took the health department officials to task.