New Delhi : Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday invoked the aspirations of young India during his maiden address to college students here in the capital by asserting that he wants to pursue politics of development instead of vote bank politics which he said has “ruined” the nation.
Modi had two important engagements, and for both, he put on a different show – Modi as a politician when he met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Modi a CEO of Gujarat while addressing Delhi University students.
Earlier in the day, Modi met Singh and presented him a memorandum of demands and expressed his unhappiness over what he claimed Gujarat being offered gas at a price different from that of Maharashtra and Delhi.
Modi tried to sell “vibrant Gujarat” story to the Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) students as the successful development model of governance through boisterous and self-patting stories of achievements his government has made over the years in different sectors like agriculture, manufacturing and infrastructure. The ‘Gujarat model’ is based on ‘P2G2’ (Pro-people good governance) principle, he emphasised.
To keep aside his controversial Hindutva posterboy image, Modi kickstarted his more than an hour address by articulating that he belongs to the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel. While Mahatma represented peace, Patel united disintegrated regions into the country.
But, that did not deter protesters outside the college who braced police caning to demand “killer Modi go back” and questioned why SRCC gave a platform for him to speak at their business conclave 2013.