Mangalore: A new monthly Magazine in Kannada, on criminal news items and the Karnataka Police activities, was released by “Namma Bhoomi” (Our Land) fraternity, in the name of “Krittika Brahma Crime Varte”, at the city’s Woodlands Hotel recently .
MLC Captain Ganesh Karnik opened the first issue of the Magazine and spoke to the gathering. Ashoka Shetty B.N. Mg. Dr, of Namma Bhoomi group welcomed the gathering. Karnik referred to the existing newspapers and magazines hailing from DK district and said one more would be welcome.
Harikrishna Punarooru, former Chief of KSP in Bangalore, presided over the pleasant function. ASI Narayana Maniyani (President’s Gold Medal awardee), ‘Namma TV’ M.D – Dr. Shiva Saran, former Mayor Shashidhar Hegde and journalist Rajesh Kadri among others graced the occasion.
Editor of “Crime News”, B.N. Ashok Shetty proposed a vote of thanks to the well attended gathering at the function.