Udupi: The BJP Yuva Morcha workers staged a novel protest near the bus stand in the town on May 24, Thursday. The concept itself was very unique. A horse was seen pulling a Nano car as if to denote that there would come a time, when a car may be given as a free gift for purchase of every 10 litres of petrol, indirectly hinting that the price of the fuel may sky rocket in the years to come.
Addressing the agitators, District Yuva Morcha President Vilas Nayak said a Bharath Bundh on May 31 would be inevitable unless the Union Government rolls back the hike. He also pointed out that fuel prices have been hiked five times since the UPA government has come to power.
K Raghupathi Bhat, MLA, Udaykumar Shetty, District BJP President, Kiran Kumar, TMC Chief and others participated in the programme.