Mangalore: A team doctors headed by cardio-thoracic surgeon, Dr.M.Gopalakrishnan of K.S.Hegde Medical Academy, with 4 other doctors, performed a rare surgery at the local K.S.Hegde hospital (Deralakatte) on a 71-year old woman having a giant coronary artery aneurism (the provider of main blood supply, enlarged 20 times the normal size of 2mm), and to cure an abnormal connection between the coronary and pulmonary arteries.
The disease condition is less than one in a lac of patients. For over 5hours, the patient had an open heart surgery by 5 doctors. The aneurism was restored, and the abnormal fistulous connection was closed. The aged patient made an uneventful recovery and has been discharged now.
The diagnosis had been made by Dr.K.Subrahmaniam, Chief international cardiologist at the Hospital, recently.