Mangaluru: Panambur station police on Thursday, October 12, arrested vehicle driver Rajesh Naika who had committed a fatal road accident at Aspin Hall godown, Panambur in 2007 and was absconding after the court convicted and sentenced him to imprisonment.
Rajesh Naika (48), resident of Kotebagilu, municipal council site, Moodbidri, is the arrested.
The court had issued a warrant for his arrest in 2008, but the accused was absconding for the last ten years changing his address. A special police team was formed for his arrest. He was arrested on Thursday, October 12 and produced in the court.
Panambur police inspector Rafik K M, PSI Umesh Kumar M N, warrant staff Shailendra K and Panambur rowdy squad officer and staff under the leadership of Mangaluru north assistant police commissioner Rajendra D S took part in the operation.