Mangaluru : The police have arrested K. Manujanth Shenoy, alias Manju Neereshwalya, (39) on the charge of harbouring Naresh Shenoy, an accused who has been absconding since the murder of 51-year-old RTI activist Vinayak Baliga.
In a press note, the police said that Manju Neereshwalya was in constant touch with Naresh Shenoy, whom the police wanted to question in connection with the murder. The police said that Manju Neereshwalya was informing Naresh Shenoy of the developments in the case and helping him hide. Vinayak Baliga was hacked to death near his house in Kodialbail on March 21. The police have arrested Vineet Poojary, Nishit Devadiga, Shiva, alias Shivaprasad, and Shailesh (40).
The police said that they are still looking for Naresh Shenoy.