Mangalore : Barke police in Mangalore have apprehended three persons namely Anil Kumar Sharma (38) from Uttar Pradesh, Vijesh Kumar alias Vijju (25) of Jeppu and Richmond alias Richie (27) of Vamanjoor for looting two jewellery merchants of Mumbai of gold and silver valuables worth Rs 7.65 lakhs.
The incident had taken place on September 29 when the two merchants namely Narayanlal Kamavat and Mangilal Kamavat who had come to Mangalore at the request of one of the accused Anil Sharma. When the jewelers were on way to Sharma’s residence in a car, Sharma stopped the car to finish smoking and the driver Vijesh said the car was not starting. The jewelers then pushed the car when Vijesh started the car and fled.
It was Anil Sharma who was arrested first and the rest two arrested on his revelations. Police have seized gold and silver valuables, a Maruti Swift car and a Pulsar bike from them.