Mangalore : Belthagady Police arrested three inter-state thieves in Ujire near Belthagady taluk. Police SI Yogesh Kumar and his team were on special ‘naka bandhi ‘duty, related to forth coming election, when they intercepted a suspicious looking quails vehicle at the check post and on the investigation found that three passengers, one Suri alias Surendra (29) of Kurbana halli Bangalore, Manikanta(23) from Chikballapur and Gopinath(29) were indeed a inter-state gang of thieves. Police also seize a Nikon camara valuing about Rs 50,ooo.
On investigation, the accused revealed that they were stealing from the tourists arriving in Dharmastala and other pilgrim centers of the state. The modus operandi is to break the glass of parking vehicle and steal the valuables.
The police sought the the custody of the thieves for the further investigation.