Mangalore : A huge jatha was taken out from Bengre to the DC office in Mangalore on February 11, Monday , and a protest was staged in front of the DC office requesting against granting permission for the Baraka fish meal unit proposed at Super Star play ground on Gurupur river banks at Bengre.
The protest was organised by the Almadrasatul Deeniya Benge Kasaba Jamaat Committee . The agitators sad that the proposed fish meal unit, if set up would prove detrimental to the interest of residents of Bengre who may have to bear with the foul smell emanating from the plant as well as the thick smoke,.
The area may be contaminated and face pollution problems as well as the menace of flies and mosquitoes.
The protestors demanded that the permission granted to the setting up of the unit be withdrawn. As per reports the fish meal owner Nisar Ahmed had secured the land on a 30 year lease from the ports department.
Several leaders including Ivan D’Souza, Mohammad Masood and A Sadananda Shetty spoke on the occasion. Janab Mohammad Sali Hai, President of the Almadrasatul Deeniya Bengre Kasaba Jamaat, Bilal Moidin, and others were present.