Udupi : Over ten persons said to be belonging to Bhajrangdal attacked a prayer house cum residence at Moodubelle on the night of March 8, Friday on the charges of alleged conversion. Six persons who were inside the house when the incident took place have sustained injuries. Police have arrested ten persons suspected to be Bhajrangdal activists in connection with the attack.
The attack was on the residence of one Roshan, a member of the Bible Society of India. The residence was also used as a prayer house. Apart from Roshan, his mother Emilia Lobo, Surya from Karkala, Shantaram, Prem Mendonca (16) and Savio Johnson, a second year student of engineering have been injured. They have been admitted to Government Hospital at Ajjarkad while another Ramesh who sustained serious injuries has been admitted to KMC Hospital.
Those arrested are Sanjeev Poojary, Ranjith Poojary, Sukesh, Dilip, Jayaprakash, Prakash, Raghavendra Acharya, Ramesh Shetty, Satish, Vishwanath Acharya and Suresh.
Senior police officials including Western Range IGP Pratap Reddy and SP Dr Boralingaiah have visited the spot. Pratap Reddy said the police have taken the case seriously and added such incidents will not be tolerated.
SP Boralingaiah said FIR has been registered against the arrested.
Meanwhile, Roshan said this was the first time the prayer house was attacked though they had been warned by Bhajrangdal in the past. He also said a plan to attack the house eight years ago was foiled due to timely action by the police.