Mangalore: When a road/vehicular accident takes place, by a person driving it, who has no driving license, both the driver and the owner become responsible for the offence, and will be duly punished as per law, said K.G. Chintha passing a judgment in a case relating to 2009, within Suratkal jurisdiction of the police in Mangalore at the 3rd additional senior CJ and JMFC courts this week.
The senior civil judge and first division sessions officer was pronouncing his verdict in a road accident at kulai near kukyadi House in May 2009, when a motor cycle driven by Katipalla M. Asraf of 6th Block(29) dashed against a pedestrian of Kanakatla, Nemu Shetty(62), severely injuring him. Shetty died later. Ashraf had no driving license, and the mobyke belonged to one Mushark Ahmed. Who had offered it to Ashraf to ride on.
Ashraf as driver trying to overtake and causing the accident was fined Rs1,000 or 15 days jail sentence, besides other penalties on other counts of causing death of Nemu Shetty, without a driving license. Mushark Ahmed was fined Rs1000, or 1 months simple imprisonment. App U.S. Hegde appeared for the state in the case.