Mangaluru: City Crime Branch (CCB) police arrested three and seized 1.2 kilogram ganja, a Bajaj Platina bike and three mobile phones (altogether worth Rs 68,500) at Kadri in Mangaluru city on Thursday. The three youths arrested, Loy Veigas (24), a resident of Derebail, Almed Karkada (24), from Falnir and Kadri based Pradeep Prabhu (27) when they engaged with illegal ganja business in the city.
The youths’ brought ganja from Shikaripura to sell in Mangaluru to school, college students and public. The accused Loy Veigas has involved in nine criminal cases including two-wheeler thefts, assault, kidnap and others.CCB police handed over 3 accused and the seized items to Mangaluru police for further action.