Devas (MP): The Hindu extremists only have killed RSS activist, Sunil Joshi before the Malegaon bomb blasts, out of revenge and the architect of these blasts, Sadhvi Prajna Singh had planned the murder in 2007, with her close associates, Devas (MP) Police told a court, while submitting a charge-sheet on the tricky issue on Sunday last.
Sunil Joshi was killed in 2007. He was misusing party funds and had behaved badly with Prajna Singh, she took the help of Hindu extremists Anandraj Kataria, Harshad Solanki, Vasudev Parmar and Ramachandra Patelto kill Joshi in 2007, a charge sheet of 432 pages mentioned, before being submitted to Judicial Magistrate Padmesh Shah on Sunday.
S.Joshi was an RSS propagandist (pracharak) whom Sadhvi Prajna managed to kill, and get arrested in 2007. Later, she was released from the prison. 124 witnesses have made3 their statements in the charge sheet prepared by police on Sunday. In 2008, Sadhvi was again arrested in the Malegaon blasts case. Two other accused from Gujarat Mehul and Rakesh are said to be absconding.