New Delhi: Home Minister P. Chidambaram today differentiated between the Lucknow bench verdict on Ayodhya given by 3 judge panel on Thursday evening ( Sept.30) and the 1992 demolition of Babri memorial by “some Hindu fanatics”, while talking to reporters. He added that yesterday’s verdict does not in any way justified the Babri fall.
The latter was decided upon by Liberhan Commission, as completely unacceptable. Although the Lucknow panel gave a go-ahead signal to Hindus to build their Temple on the 2 pieces of land on the disputed area of 2.77 acres, the Home Minster stopped short of allowing the building of the temple. He was pleased with people’s dignified response to the Lucknow bench verdict. He asked the Media not to over interpret the delayed verdict. He said it would be helpful of TV Channels and news Media kept within their limits while trying to interpret what the judges said on Ram Janambhoomi.