Mangalore: A changed programme of tour brought the new BJP Chief Minister Devaragunda V. Sadananda Gowda to Mangalore only at 8-15AM by air on Saturday(Aug 13) from Bangalore(7-15AM). At 9AM he proceeded to Sangha Niketana grounds for a local public reception and went to Kalladka and then Dharmasthala at noon to meet Dr. D.V.Heggade and obtain a blessing of Lord Manjunatha Swamy at the Temple.
At 3-30 Pm he is leaving for Kukke Subramanya Temple and then by 5-30Pm he will be in Mandekolu Village to meet his aged mother at Devaragunda house.
By 7-45 PM he reaches Puttur to worship Sri Mahalingeshwara at the hoary temple and have meals there. By 11-00PM he would be at home in Mangalore and go to bed.
Next day at 7 AM(Sunday) he visits Kadri Temple, Kudroli Gokarnanth Temple, Jeppinamogaru Gurwana.
He has a public meet at 9AM at the circuit House, and by 11-30AM he is in BJP office in Jagannath Joshi Soudha in Kodialbail then a press meet at the club at 11-30AM after which, he goes to kateelu Durga Temple and have meals there. By 3-50PM he leaves for Bangalore.