Kadaba: Rural circle inspector of police (CPI) of Puttur threatened the home guard manning the gate at Hosamata Bridge near Kadaba and got the protective gate opened. He then drove his SUV haphazardly across the flowing flood water on the evening of Sunday, August 12th.
Since Sunday afternoon, traffic was stopped on both sides of the Hosamata Bridge as the bridge was inundated by the flowing floodwater. However, the CPI did not pay heed to the warnings of locals as well as the home guard and nonetheless drove his SUV across the flooded bridge.
On reaching the other end of the bridge, the home guard stationed there questioned the the CPI on violating the instructions, but he ignored the personnel and carried on his way towards Kadaba.
As soon as the CPI crossed the bridge by violating instructions, the people waiting near the gat too tried to follow his lead. However, the quick thinking home guards closed the gates immediately and prevented the vehicles from crossing the bridge, thereby preventing any mishap. But, this only infuriated the people and they vented their anger for the priority given only to the police department and not them.
A similar incident has taken place on the same bridge a month before too, with a police vehicle taking advantage of the situation. The locals had made the video of the same and shared it on social sites, which had created embarrassment to the police department. Now, the CPI’s action has further maligned the name of the police department.
District commandant of home guard, Dr Murali Mohan Chuntaru said that acts of this nature hurt the morale of the home guards. He has raised this issue with deputy commissioner (DC) and superintendent of police (SP) and urged them to conduct an inquiry on the incident.