Mangaluru: Police Commissioner Vipul Kumar informed the press that city police have booked 4 people under Karnataka Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Bootleggers, Drug Offenders, Gamblers, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders and Slum-Grabbers (Goonda) Act and orders of externment has been issued against six people.
Abdul Raheem, an accused involved in illegal possession and sale of narcotic drugs, Samit Raj, Manda Asif and Bipin Jogi, who are accused of creating communal tension are booked under the Goonda Act.
City police has issued orders of externment for three months against Rahul, Suhas, Charan Raj and Harish Poojary. Externment for a six month period has been passed against Guruprasad and Kaushik.
The above have been externed due to suspicion that they might create trouble during elections. City police has initiated security proceedings against 753 persons and have taken a bond of good conduct from them. The police are keeping alert on the movements of 2,756 rowdy-sheeters and 90 persons who are suspected of creating disturbance in the city.
26 check posts have been set up, including six on the Karnataka-Kerala border area. Route marches of city police and Central Armed Police Force are being conducted in 75 vulnerable areas. So far, 206 route marches have been conducted.
“2,700 police personnel will be deployed on polling day, May 12,” Mr. Kumar said. This includes personnel from Central Armed Police Force, Karnataka State Reserve Police and two squads of Special Weapons and Tactics.
The Deputy Commissioner has banned sale of liquor between 6 p.m. of May 10 and 6 p.m. of May 12.
When asked about the ban order that is to be lifted just as the voting ends, Mr. Kumar said: “The Election Commission has to look into it.”
Prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code will be in force between 6 p.m. of May 10 and 6 p.m. of May 13. There will also be a bar on holding of weekly market in Bikarnakatte and Karnad, on May 12.