Mangaluru : The city police have launched a drive on executing non-bailable warrants issued against persons who had failed to appear before courts for trial. In a fortnight, the city police have executed nearly 200 of the 800 non-bailable warrants.
The drive initiated by Police Commissioner M. Chandra Sekhar is among the steps that have been initiated to prevent anti-social elements from committing crime. Execution of non-bailable warrants issued by court was among the mandatory duties prescribed under the Police Act. A majority of those against whom NBWs were issued were the ones who were notorious. Execution of NBWs helps in speedy completion of cases pending before trial courts. “It also instils fear of law among culprits,” he said.
Mr. Sekhar said of the 862 NBWs issued by various courts in the city, the police had so far executed 211. “I am monitoring the progress on a daily basis,” Mr. Sekhar said. The police are giving priority for executing warrants pertaining to those in the State.
The drive, Mr. Sekhar said, had yielded good results. The police had found involvement of some persons in thefts and other crimes as well. There were cases where persons issued with NBWs had appeared before the court voluntarily and sought recall of warrant. These persons had stayed away from crime as they were occupied in getting bail.