Mangalore: DK ZP chairperson K T Shailaja Bhat warned the absentee senior officials at a monthly KDP meeting of review committee, that she would report the matter to CM Gowda, if they persisted in their bad habit of ‘French leave’ in May next.
The KDP review meeting was held on Tuesday to review progress of works on hand. The CEO ordered show-cause notices to be issued against guilty officials, not attending on Monday, when Revenue and Rural Road Schemes were to be discussed. Attendance was called and taken of officials present on Monday.
Standing Committee(SJ) chairman Janardhan Gowda wanted to know about Koraga welfare and solid waste management schemes, besides drinking water supply, CEO could not answer, and TP executive officers could not provide convincing replies. CEO was ashamed of them. He told the meeting that state Government had given Rs150-62 crores for annual action plan for 2012-13, of which Rs66 crores came from the centre.