Mysore: Exuding confidence that Congress party would bag all the 28 MP seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, KPCC President G P Parameshwara who was in the city, also attacked Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and his propaganda of ‘Gujarat Model’.
Parameshwara was participating in the padayatra organised by Mysore-Kodagu LS candidate and incumbent MP A H Vishwanath here, on Tuesday. Presenting statistics from the recent United Nations Department of Political Affairs (UNDPA) report, he said that when it came to overall development of a State, Kerala had recorded 0.625 per cent growth, while Gujarat had recorded 0.514 per cent growth. While Punjab stood first in nutrition rate with 43 per cent, Gujarat stood in 15th place registering 27 per cent nutrition rate.
Kerala, which had shown an improvement in the Maternal Mortality Rate, again stood first with 4.1 per cent, while Manipur was ranked first for its improvement in Child Mortality Rate (11 pc). Gujarat stood in 9th place when it came to MMR (12.8 pc), and in 21st place with regard to CMR (41 pc).
While Kerala’s literacy rate was high, Gujarat was in 17th place. Delhi had the highest per capita income of Rs 1,80,000, while Gujarat ranked in 8th place with Rs 52,000.
“The most boasted aspect in Gujarat is the industrial development. But in reality, Uttarakhand tops with 11.8 per cent growth. Modi’s State is in third place with 6.8 per cent growth. When it comes to FDI, Maharashtra stands in first place, and Gujarat stands in 5th place. Now, anybody can analyse what ‘Gujarat model’ is. Modi wave will not make a difference even if he visits the State a hundred times,” he said.
During the padayatra, the Congress leaders tried to woo as many as minority voters in Mysore city. The party, which is confident of a victory, owing to three incumbent MLAs in the city, organised its rally in the heart of Mysore, and the presence of Parameshwara made the rally come alive, despite his late arrival.
The party workers managed to bring along hundreds of Muslim women and men to join the padayatra. Vishwanath said that campaigning in the city and other constituencies of district held by Congress was an easy task.
“It is however a daunting task to gain votes in Kodagu district. However, during the last LS polls, the party managed to bag about 70,000 votes, which improved to 90,000 votes during the recent Assembly polls in Kodagu. We are hoping that the numbers will increase this time, as there is a Congress rule in the State,” he stated.