Mangalore: DK students have won laurels at the state level yogasana competiton conducted by Aviskar Yoga Kendra. Rakshith Vamanjoor and Prakamya Puttur have bagged the overall championships in the event held at Sharada Vidyalaya. SDM Mangala Jyothi Nirantara Yogakendra bagged the first place in the team contest.
Charan Vamanjoor, Nandana Belthangady, Deekshith Vamanjoor, Mangala, Sampath Bajal, Netravathi from Bangalore, Gurudas from Byndoor and Kanya Kumari won first places in various categories.
A total of 90 youngsters took part in the Yogasana contest. Several students also participated in essay writing and elocution contests.