Mangalore/Udupi: Dr.K.N.Vijay Prakash, IAS, has assumed charge as CEO of Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayath on Monday, Auagust 1. He paid a surprise visit to Veerakhamba Gram Panchayath, as also the hostels of backward classes students and Social Welfare Department in Vitla, and made a detailed survey there. He took keen interest in the cleanliness of students hostels and the food prepared for backward children, as also the nutritious content in such food given them.
The CEO held a discussion with students on their hostel management, and obtained information about various arrangements of stay there. He asked the authorities to provide all the facilities ensured by the state to these students in hostels. The Warden of the hostel was absent, when CEO visited the students hostels of backward classes in Vitla.
Dr.K.V.Prakash stated that he would continue the work of visiting the various departmental offices and study their work processes, on sudden occasions.