Kasaragod: The Kerala PWD minister V.K. Ibrahim Kunhi specified here at the circuit house in a pressmeet after attending a programme on Thursday (February 2) that while widening the roads for easy traffic, the national highways would protect local holy shrines and places of worship without demolishing them. He referred to other sates where highways were expanded from 45 to 60 meters, but in Kerala the situation was different and the width is limited to 45 meters only, so as not to disturb certain holy places of worship, by compromising on religious matters. The state does not want to charge its decision, limiting road expansion to 45 meters only, he added.
The National Highways Authority has to accept such demands from other states as well, be indicated.
Replying to press queries, Minister Kunhi said that where a worship centre stands in the way of road of widening process, no drastic action would be taken without a proper review of the situation to do so or otherwise. Where shops are removed, compensation would be paid out.
Kerala MLAs, NalliKunnu, and Abdul Razak (Kasaragod/Manjeshwara), Kunhiramon Uduma, and E. Chandrashekaran were present.
On January 24, a massive protest rally was staged by the religious and other leader, against a threat to Kanipura Gopalakrishna Temple premises by PWD activities.