Mangalore: Sunday, January 8 in the morning was the long awaited sports meet for Journalists only, at St. Aloysius ‘College grounds in city with a head on Collision of reporters and editors of DK Working Journalists’ Union and Press Club of Mangalore in Several sports events, like cricket, scooter race slow bike race, tug-of –war, musical chairs, 3-legged race, sack race (hops), coin-picking in Maida, ice-cream eating, banana swallowing, walkathon, and what not.
The events went on whole day, with entertainment ruling over excellence in sports.
City MP Nalin was seen with Rohini, and Ramya Barne with M.R. Vasudeva Rao(MIAirport), and many others Mingled freely.
Dr. KN. Vijay Prakash and Dr. Harish Kumar were there. Dc Dr. N.S. Channappa Gowda and CPC Seemant K.Singh made it to the events in a spirit of Camaraderie and joy.
Union leaders Harish Rai, Srinivas and many others were present, apart from players and participants in the games.
DK Minster Krishna Palemar started the whole meet by tossing a ball at a ‘lagori’ pile. Nobady cared for speeches. Varsha, a notional athlete lit a giant lamp. Food and drinks were made available to guests.