Mangaluru: In the backdrop of cyclone, traditional boats are not venturing out into the sea. As a result, the markets are facing a shortage in fish supply and the fish prices are hiked.
Currently, fishing has started along the coast of Tamil Nadu. A few species of fish are brought to Mangaluru from there. Hence, the prices have increased.
Silver fish has a greater demand in Karavali, but currently, only 30 fishes are provided for Rs 100. Presently a few fish species are being supplied from Tamil Nadu including sardines and mackerel. But, since the prices have gone up, a Kg of sardines costs around Rs 350 in comparison to its earlier rate which was from Rs 200 to Rs 250. Currently, a mackerel costs Rs 15. Even though there is a demand for King fish, there is a lack of supply at the markets.
The rise in fish price will persist this month. A few days after the arrival of the monsoon, traditional fishermen venture out into the sea. Later, the fish prices may fall slightly.
“Fishing season has been completed. The boats are no more venturing into the sea. In the backdrop of the cyclone, even traditional boats are no getting into the water. Because of this, the fish price has risen,”