Mangalore: The Rotary Club of Mangalore tied up with Fr. Muller’s Charitable Institutions in Kankandy, to generate gas from Wet garbage on their premises by the launching of a biogas plant , technically directed by Mail Hem Engineers of Pune.
The Plant cost Rs5 lakhs, to produce 14kgs of biogas from 3ookgs of garbage, used for various purposes.
Wet organic garbage generated in the Kankandy campus is converted to Combustible methane gas.(This gas runs Delhi Transport buses).
The pilot project provides an alternate use to making only compost. It converts wastage into valuable product. The technology came from Pune.
The plant consumes Rs60 worth electricity daily, and needs 2oo liters of water to flush out garbage into the digester. Only one person is employed to sort out an load the process, developed by Dr. Lathingah of Netherlands(Holland). The cost is Rs4,000 a month.
The entire investment is paid back in 1.5 years. The process is viable and has commercial value.
DK DC Dr. N.S. Channappa Gowda launched the new Plant. Dr. K.N. Vijay Prakah and Dr. Harish Kumar were present. Fr. Patrick Rodrigues , director and Richard Coelho, administrator took part in the programme.