Udupi : The Lokayukta police on Wednesday arrested Panchayat Development Officer Umashankar and second division assistant G. Shekar, both from Gangolli Gram Panchayat in Udupi district, for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs.22,000 for issuing Form 9 and Form 11 for non-agricultural land.
In a press release, the Lokayukta police said the complainant had filed before the panchayat an application seeking issuance of Form 9 and Form 11 in connection with his non-agricultural land.
Umashankar and Shekar together demanded Rs.27,000 for issuing the two forms.
Then the complainant approached the Udupi Lokyukta police who trapped Umashankar and Shekar while they were accepting ₹22,000. The Lokayukta team comprised In-charge Deputy Superintendent of Police, Udupi, Manjunath, and Police Inspectors A. Amanullah and K.N. Chandrashekar, the release stated.