Manglore: Ravindra Gudadini (24) of Muddebehal in distant Bijapur, was trying to sell Ganja near Ganeshpur, to school and college students on Tuesday afternoon, when he was caught by Suratkal police and on search, 2.7 Kgs of Ganja, a banned item, was seized from the culprit, who admitted to the fact of bringing the drug from Bijapur, to sell it to local customers.
The confession has proved the guilt, and he was arrested for possessing Ganja worth Rs. 25,000. He will be produced before a court.
K.U. Bellliappa, station house officer and his police team in Surathkal accounted for the seizure of Ganja and the culprit.
SI Ramiesh Hanapur and other police officials were in the team, to arrest Guddadinni.