Mangalore: More than 100 persons from 13 villages met in Gurupur on Thursday, to decide on a united fight against a natural gas pipeline proposed to lay between kochi and Bangalore via Mangalore. The pipeline is expected to move through those villages on way. Gas Authority of India has planned this pipeline deep down under the earth, and the union Govt, has served notices to farmers on land acquisition, giving 3 weeks to vacate.
66 feet wide land will be acquired in the fields for a 30” diameter pipe going 5 feet deep in soit. The farmers get only 10% of their land value, with relief on crop losses, if any.
The rural meet decided to take every help from DC to MLA and Swamis too, to fight their case. Locals do not trust the authorities on any promise made so far Krishnaprasada Rai, a resident, has suggested the pipeline to go through sea instead of land.
1000 villagers will get quit notices from village karniks in kandavara, muloor, and other villages in taluk. Francis Pinto, Sujir Kumar Shetty and others in locality were present.