Mangaluru: The BJP shockingly offered priority to a former Janata Dal (S) leader Dr. Y Bharath Shetty, by picking to handle him as its candidate from Mangaluru North Constituency over prolonged party loyalist Satyajit Surathkal and former minister Krishna J Palemar, in this way disappointing a few of their supporters. Bharat Shetty had joined the BJP a couple of years back after he was drawn closer by RSS and BJP leaders.
Communicating his difference on the decision, Palemar charged “game plan” by MP Nalin Kumar Kateel as the explanation behind him not getting a ticket. In the interim, it is said that Satyajit Surthkal, who too was trying for a ticket from the Mangaluru North Constituency will now challenge as an Independent candidate.
Satyajith, who has been engaged with the Ayodhya Ram Temple case, rose to notoriety not long after he alongside Union Minister Ananth Kumar Hegde and Ramesh Kasargod (BJP leader) lifted the tricolor at Hubli’s Idgah Maidan. This specific episode had prompted inconvenience of a 57-hour in the district post conflicts that left five dead.
Satyajit had joined the RSS route in 1980s. Having finished his Second Official Training Camp at RSS, he was later given different duties in Sangh Parivar and has been battling for BJP since 1989.
Identifed with Hindu Jagarana Vedhike, Satyajit Surthkal committed himself as a fulltime worker of conservative association between 1992 to 2004 and had overseen different obligations of the association extending from Nagarasanchalak to Karnataka Organizing Secretary (Dakshina Pranthya Sanchalak) under the administration of Jagadish Karanth.
Communicating outrage regarding forswearing of ticket to Satyajit Surathkal, the Billava community members, according to sources, are opining that they are just being utilized as troopers to engender Hindutva philosophy and when it came to dispersing tickets, the party offered four tickets to leaders from Bunt community in Dakshina Kannada.