Mangaluru: “The police department is giving the same respect to home guards as they are working with police personnel for the protection of law and order on the society,” said Superintendant of Police Bhusha Gulab Rao Borase.
He was addressing the gathering at Home Guards annual camp valedictory ceremony at DAR Ground on Sunday.
“Police and home guards need to work with patience when they are deputed to some public places. Home guards can gather more information in deputed police station on every Monday and Friday. The government has the proposal of increasing the pay of home guards,” he said.
District Home Guards Commandant Dr Murali Mohan Chuntharu said that at present there are 1000 home guard personnel in the district and totally 26000 home guards in state.
“We have a aim to increase this number to 30000 in coming days. In spite of lesser pay the work that is done by the home guards is praise worthy,” he added.
Assistant Commandant Ramesh, Vasanth Kumar, Muhammed Ismail, Jayananda B and others were present.