Bangalore: The Home Minister, K. J. George as instructed all nationalizes banks and other such financial institutions which run ATMs all over the city of Bangalore to make full arrangements for their safety and to take care of all those clients who draw many from ATMs at any time of the day or night. He told them to appoint armed security guards in every ATM to protect common people from looters.
The Home Minister anger is due to the case of a lady bank manager Jyoyhi Uday of Rajeshwari Nagar who had gone to an ATM of Corporation Bank at 7 am on Nov. 19 and was attacked by an unknown person who demanded money from her inside the ATM, beat her up and left her in a blood bath on the head and ran away.
The police are hunting for this culprit, while many other ATMs were shown by TV channels as unguarded like the unmanned railway gates in many cities.
He added that such of the ATMs which became dangerous without security to the bank clients, would be closed down without mercy soon.