Bellary: How much money can a man in the jail have in Bellary? As much as Rs4.95 crores cash was Seized by Andhra’s Guntakal police on Thursday when a lorry leaving Bellary for Hyderabad was seized on way, thickening the mining plot of Obalapuram miners.
4 persons were arrested on the spot. Vehicles passing through Guntakal were being checked on the outskirts, when Eshwara and Venkatrama Reddy of Kadapa were captured, along with driver and a cleaner.
Bellary police had the information, but the lorry sped to Andhra before they could stop it, said Superintendent Police, Dr. Chandra Gupta. The arrested men were henchmen of Srinivasa Reddy, MD of Obulapuram Mines Company(brother-in-law of Gali J. Reddy). CBI had plans to raid Venkatrama Reddy at his house whose address was not known to the agency.
The seized truck was registered in Kadapa(Jagan Mohan Reddy’s constituency) and belonged to Poddutooru(where Gali J. Reddy and Srinivas Reddy’s relatives stayed).