Mangaluru : A techie from Idkidu in Bantwal has filed a complaint with the Dakshina Kannada superintendent of police (SP), alleging that police officials in Bantwal Circle threatened him and forced him to withdraw court cases.
Keshava Moorthy C is an engineer working in the IT industry, and was living in the UK for 16 years. He has stated in his complaint to the SP that police officers have threatened him, and forced him to withdraw the cases he filed against two
“I was called by the Vittla police for an inquiry on May 7. I was asked to make written agreements to withdraw the court cases against two individuals, one pertaining to a cheque bounce case and another to a consumer case, which I filed. I was forced to go to the notary on a public holiday to make agreements on stamp papers. I was deprived of consulting my lawyer in this situation. By threatening me to forcefully withdraw the court cases, and forcing me to enter into the agreements, great injustice is done to my fundamental rights, and it is clear that the police department misused their power to withdraw the court cases,” Moorthy stated in the complaint.
Addressing a press conference, Narendra Nayak, president of Federation of Indian Rationalists Associations (FIRA), urged the SP to take necessary action in connection with the complaint.