Bangalore: Railway Minister DV Sadananda Gowda’s son Karthik Gowda underwent a gruelling questioning for the second consecutive day on Saturday in connection with alleged rape, kidnap and cheating of a Kannada actress.
After another round of marathon questioning, DCP North T R Suresh said, “We are gathering information. We have asked him questions relating to the investigation. He has answered them. If we need any more information we will call him and seek information.”
He said Karthik had been cooperating. “Yesterday he had come. We had called him again today. He had been here from around 10 AM to around 6 PM. He has been coming here and giving information to our queries.”
Days after securing an anticipatory bail, Karthik had yesterday appeared before police for the first time and faced a marathon questioning by them before being subjected to a medical test.
During questioning, Karthik had rejected the allegations and said he had not married the starlet as claimed by her.
The Sessions court had granted anticipatory bail to Karthik and asked him to cooperate with police in the probe. A magistrate court had earlier issued an arrest warrant against him with police declaring him an absconder and forming teams to trace him.
The actress had claimed she and Karthik got married at Gowda’s residence in Mangalore in June. Her claim came on the day Karthik got engaged to another woman at Kushalnagar in Kodagu district. Her allegations caused severe embarrassment to the Union Minister who has maintained law will take its own course.