New Delhi : On the second day of his protest, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday upped the ante, threatening to flood Rajpath, the venue of Republic Day celebrations, with lakhs of supporters demanding action against policemen who refused to carry out a raid on an alleged drug and prostitution ring.
He ruled out any negotiations to scale down the protest, saying the safety of women in the capital is not a matter of negotiation.
“We will continue our protest. How can Home Minister (Sushilkumar) Shinde sleep when so many crimes are happening in Delhi? When women are unsafe in the city? We won’t negotiate,” Mr. Kejriwal told reporters.
Unlike Monday, hundreds of AAP supporters thronged the venue of the dharna outside Rail Bhawan in the high security area close to the venue of Republic Day preparations.
The Chief Minister along with his six Cabinet colleagues and scores of supporters spent the night outside the , the venue of their protest, braving the cold winter.
Mr. Kejriwal slept on the road under the open sky while some of his supporters spent the night singing and raising slogans around a bonfire.
A number of Cabinet ministers also slept on the road.
Mr. Kejriwal threatened that “If the demands are not met then lakhs of our supporters will come to Rajpath. They (the Centre) must listen to the people.”
Attacking the Home Minister, he said he will not shift to Jantar Mantar as requested by the police and the Centre will have to accept his demand for action against the policemen who had refused to act against the alleged drug and prostitution racket.
“Have the people of Delhi given them the right to make decisions for them? No. They have given me the right. How can Shinde ask me where to sit? I will tell him where to sit,” he said.
The Chief Minister also accused the police of harassing his supporters at the protest venue and said the area has been turned into a jail.
“They have turned this small area into a jail. There are not toilets here. I was using a toilet at Rail Bhawan here yesterday. Today they have even closed that. We had arranged a public toilet somehow yesterday which they did not allow to bring here. They are not even allowing food to be brought here.
“I had to go to the barricade myself to bring the tea inside. The people protesting here are not Pakistanis or Americans. They are our own people. Where will the women go for using a toilet? Has Shinde announced a war against the people?” he said.