Kasargod: On Monday around midnight the Marusagar Express left Thiruvananthapuram and reached Ernakulum city junction. Vatsamma (55) got in to the train after attending a marriage in Ernakulam city to return to Kasargod by this train and occupied seat (berth) No 57 in B4 compartment of the train. On reaching Kasargod she forgot her hand bag full of valuable like gold and Cash besides other things non only to herself when she came from Ernakulam and got down at Kasargod junction leaving her hand bang on the seat allotted to her when the train moved to Mangalore junction she remembered suddenly that she had not taken her bag with her. She raised a cry and contacted the station master and the railway security staff officer at Kasargod. They telephoned
Thiruvananthapuram Railway office and informed about the bag left in the train that had gone to Mangalore. Another person had occupied her seat by then.
Nevertheless the railway office sent a call to Mangalore Junction to trace out the lost hand bag but the concerned railway employee was on leave. So the next person on duty, Sarish P Shanker who was aboard the train, as Sudhakar could not be contacted by the Railway control room at Thiruvananthapuram.
Sarish P Shanker quickly reached B4 compartment berth No 57 and found the lost bag belonging to Vatsamma intact. He caught a train back to Kasargod where Vatsamm was waiting in the Railway office and handed over the lost bag with all its contents but without opening it ever, in the presence of station Master Srinivas and RPF official Chitraraj, as a matter of duty honestly carried out at Kasargod.
Vatsamma opened the bag and found everything she had lost only 20 minutes earlier, when Marusagar express left Kasargod for Mangalore junction where S.P Shanker got down from the train and traveled by Netravati Express back to Kasargod to hand over the ladies’ bag to its rightful owner Vatsamma who was happy at the turn of events due to railway officials and security on duty who showed an exceptional presence of mind to recover the bag from the train and present it to the passenger at Kasargod.