Kochi: A division bench of 2 judges (Ramachandran and Gopinathan) overturned the single judge verdict on Thursday(Aug.25) and stayed the order of paying Rs.75lakh for every dead person, in the Air India Being crash(May 22,2010) in Bajpe jungles.
158 persons died in this crash. The stay order came in response to Air India’s own appeal against last month’s verdict of Judge P.R.Ramachandra Menon, pleading in ability to pay such a huge sum when its finances were in the red.
Air India had paid Rs.20 lakhs each to the various victims’ relatives, under Montreal (Canada) convention rules made in 1999, on payment of compensation due to the bereaved families by concerned airlines.
The Bench of 2 has asked Air India to ensure an amicable settlement on the actual compensation payable, after taking to the aggrieved families. The parties are back on square one after an year.