Mangaluru : The police have arrested five persons accused of having a hand in the murder of Sandesh in a Suratkal bar on November 29. The arrested persons are main conspirator of the attack, Manoj alias Manu Guddekopla (40), Sharat alias Munna (35), Praveen Kunder (42), Deepak Raj (33) and Mithun (40).
Manoj has been accused of killing Sandesh, who was his friend in the past, in front of a bar at Suratkal, duly assisted by his gang, because of pre-existing enmity. In this attack, two friends of Sandesh who tried to defend, were injured and hospitalized.
On the next day of this murder, the police had arrested Raghavendra alias Raja from Kiulai, Ganesh and Sohail.