Mangaluru : The Police Commissioner Anupam Agrawal has asked parents in the city not to panic over fake extortion calls received by some of them in the last two days. He told parents to inform the nearest police station in case if they received such calls.
On June 12, the Police Commissioner informed that certain threatening calls have been received by parents of several students enrolled in various education institutes in Mangaluru on June 11 and June 12. The calls were received over WhatsApp and mostly from foreign numbers, such as Poland and Pakistan. The caller allegedly spoke in Hindi and identified himself as a police officer. He told the parents that their son/daughter had been arrested and demanded money to release them.
On verification, the calls were found to be fake. All the students were safe in the education institutes. The calls were made during school hours.
A case has been registered and a team of cybercrime police station has begun an investigation, he said.
All parents and institutions were advised not to panic over such calls. They should avoid picking any calls coming on WhatsApp from unknown foreign numbers.