Mangaluru : Dakshina Kannada MP, Nalin Kumar met with the union minister for railways, Piyush Goyal, and union minister of state in the department of railways, Suresh Angadi, at New Delhi and put forth a number demands relating to railways in Dakshina Kannada district and requested them to fulfill the same.
The many demands include the creation of a separate railway division for Mangaluru, well-equipped building and development of basic facilities at Mangaluru central station, quickening the construction of third and fourth platforms at Mangaluru central station, converting the thrice-a-week train between Mangaluru and Yeshwanthpur into a daily train, reintroduction of Miraj/Mahalaxmi Express train with extending it till MCST, introducing a new train between Mangaluru and Pune and the reintroduction of Mookambika road/Kasaragod train making run till Guruvayanakere.