Mumbai : With a railway line to Tibet capital the other day, China did the impossible, which Tantric Buddism of Tibetan Lamas could not achieve. China built a road over Karakoram range to Pakistan. Nathu-la Pass was opened for Indo-Chinese trade. Now after Indian Pressident (Pratibha D. Patil) visited China a month ago, China is ready to build an airport near munt Kailas, which is a hold place (like Amaranth in Kashmir) to 900 million Hindus in India. Every year thousands of Hindu pilgrims visit Man-Sarovar and Mt. Kailas now in China. Mt. Everest (Gowrishanker) is partly in Nepal and partly in China these days. On Thursday, an airport in a high plateau in Tibet, was opened by China for Hindus to reach Mt. Kailas, nearby. This Gun-la airport in Engari region of autonomous Tibet received its first aircraft (an airbus) at 10-20 am on July 1. China is not religious but Tibet is.