Mangalore: The Kerala financial group of Muthoot is the largest in India of its kind, with turnover crossing Rs. 40,000 crores, said the chief, George Muthoot in a press meet today at noon at Hotel Deepa in city. The group has 1900 branches all over the country, with ‘Muthoot Global’ making its presence in UK, USA and UAE (Gulf), he added.]
Muthoot Finance, the Flag ship company has 142 branches in Karnataka. There are 35 branches in Mangalore region. The Malpe branch was opened on August 3. The group has given employment to 1000 local persons in Karnataka, JMD, George said in the press release. About 2200 crores of rupees were disbursed as Gold Loans at 12% interest, which is a unique offer, GopalKrishna, regional manager, Mangalore stated in the press meet.
Muthoot Money Transfer is an easy way to receive money from foreign countries. In Karnataka alone, 3000 MTs per month are distributed, totaling Rs 6 crores every month.
Muthoot group also handles Railway Booking and the IATA agency work, including Air tickets, hotel stay and package tours of Travel agencies, the press note informed.
Muthoot securities assist clients in trading Company shares, especially Equity Trading. Now there is commodity trading on line with most modern technology support in goods like pepper, coffee and cardamom etc, Muthoot group has an FM station in Chennai with 71% listeners to “Chennai Live” programmes.
Muthoot works in tourism and Travel business as well in Alleppey (house boat) and Thekkady (resort in ‘Cordamom country’), noted B. John Malayil, AGM, Corporate Communications, who was present in the press meet today at Deepa’s on M.G. Road, Mangalore.