Mangaluru: Konaje police have seized two people who have plotted a riot in the mosque and shops. The Natakal range merchants’ Sangh shop premises closed on Monday demanding that the accused be arrested and booked against them.
Yathiraj (23) and Nithin (25) of the northeast of Sullia are under police custody. The driver of the bike was damaged two bakeries, a mutton stall, a saloon and a mosque. He worked at Manjanadi Drinking Water Supply Tanker and went to a junction near Konaje on his owner’s bike. Abdul Razak’s bakery 2 fridges were split in the Natakal junction while returning to his rented room in the bathroom.
Hanja destroyed the Beef Stall’s stones in Naushad and cut down the ciccamara of the Natecal Bakery store in Ibrahim and then crushed two Tube Light and CFL bulbs of the Saloon and adjoining mosque.
The CCTV was taken into custody by the CCTV in the Bakery, claiming that his action should not be taken into custody. But before that, his action was recorded on the server and arrested on the bike.
Protest: Police arrested Manjunath in protest of the protesters demanding that they arrest bosses who work with the accused. The case was registered at Konaje police station.