Mangalore : MP Nalin Kumar Kateel’s new office was inaugurated at DC’s office building here on Thursday, July 3. Swamy Nithyananda of Bandiyod inaugurated the office by lighting the lamp.
Speaking to the reporters MP Nalin Kumar Kateel after the inauguration of his office said, People can directly meet me here. I will be available in every Tuesday in this office and will receive complaints from the public.
“The district people have chosen me for the second time as an MP. People can approach me for their needs and for the assistance of the people, this office has been inaugurated here, he said.
The office will be open from 9 am to 6 pm in working days. Public can bring any grievances to his notice in the time, he said.
Speaking about controversial Yettinahole project, he said, “We have no water to use our daily necessity, how we can give water to others. We will not allow the diversion of the Nethravati river, he said.
A.B.Ibrahim, Deputy Commissioner, Krishna J Palemar Former minister, Prathap Simha Nayak BJP district president, Asha Thimmappa Gowda ZP president, and others were present.